divendres, 27 d’agost del 2010

On Holidays!!!!

Greek Islands
Santorini and Mykonos
Friends and other people
Sunny days
Warm weather
Blue sky
Clear water

Next post... SOME PHOTOS

2 comentaris:

Myr ha dit...

waw pajarrakita! m'encanta aquesta foto!

Lilian ha dit...

Hi Darling!
Miss you!
I'll be on holiday soon! Just can't wait! But I'll go to the States this year! I almost convinced my husbando to participate of the Barcelona Challenge....but he still prefered Brazil's Ironman!
I have some news: I am an aunt now! My little sister got twin girls last month! Vitoria and Manuela!
I lost your email....:-) write to me when you have some time!
I am waiting for your visit here in Brazil!